First, I talked about them here (actually, I wrote about them when Heather and I saw Jars of Clay in March of 2007, but I'm not linking to that post because I basically talk about Needtobreathe in one sentence). Then we saw them at the Big Ticket Festival. Then, for some bizarre reason, I did not mention the next time I saw them. But I did here. And the last time I saw them, I wrote about it here.
I have gone all of 2011 without seeing them. They opened for Taylor Swift. And the one night they were in Grand Rapids, I was in Bay City with the youth group. I survived. No, really I did. I know Dave and Bill will find that hard to believe, but I'm not in the corner rocking myself. In fact, the night of the concert, I didn't even remember it. But Sarah (who rocks) bought Chandra and me a Needtobreathe bracelet. Um, bracelet is not the right term... but it's one of those plastic bands with their name on it. Whatever. It totally rocks and is super special because Sarah got them for us.
I could go on and on. I can't help it. I really like their music. So as I wait for the new Muppet Movie to come out in November, I will probably survive with the newest album from Needtobreathe. It's set to release September 20th. That's in 26 days.
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