Before the Jr. High left for workcamp a few weeks ago, I went back and had it redyed.
For fun. Because the pink was gone and I was left with super light, almost white highlights.
Now here's what I find interesting; the first time when I had the cotton candy pink hair, I had a lot of people who stared at me. Just plain, out-right stared. Only while standing in line at Meijer did I have a few people ask me about it.
Now that it's bright pink, really more raspberry (and I'm less happy with it than the original color), I've had more people compliment it or have a positive comment about it. Many more people have commented and less people have stared.
Oh, and somewhere on those Wal*Mart shopper photos is probably a photo of me with this hair. Only I'm with Chandra, who was 7 1/2 months pregnant, and our girls from youth group. They include: three white girls, a black girl and an Asian girl. We made up quite the group tromping through the Wal*Mart of Bay City to buy a cot for Chandra. Talk about stares. We were amused. So if you ever spot that photo, you'll know.
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