It's the end of winter. My lips still get chapped. Like many other females, I am slightly addicted to lip balm/chap stick/lip gloss. I say slightly because my addiction does not exceed more than two in storage at a time. In fact, I think I only have one back-up in the linen closet at this moment. I do however have a tube of chap stick on the side table in our living room, my purse (x2; a lip balm and a gloss), on my bedside table (x2; two different kinds of lip balm), I used to have one at my desk... I'm not sure where that wondered off to and that is it. See? That's not too many.
The reason I'm mentioning this is because I had a coupon for a certain brand (I'll name them, but I'm not getting anything from them because of this. Free Advertising!!), Blistex. Bill uses Carmex (which we jokingly call "cram-ex"), I have always used Chapstick or the one from the Body Shop, but because of the coupon thought I'd give this a try.
It smells just like a Strawberry Shortcake doll I used to have. I cannot figure out which scent/doll, but I am taken back to those days each time I apply it. I actually still have some figurines, but they've lost their scent.

I really like it. It's the "newest" one, "Five Star Lip Protection". If you miss your Strawberry Shortcake days, try this and tell me what scent you think it is... (I tried looking them up online to see if one of the names triggered a memory, but the best I can do is say, "yup, I remember Blueberry Muffin, maybe it was her. Or maybe it was the Cherry Blossom...") It's fruity, without being too much.
It has the added bonus of 30 spf. Happy Friday!
My FAVORITE lip balm of all time -- Kiehl's Lip Balm #1, in the mint flavor. It is fantastic and tingly and has SPF and can take cracked lips that are bleeding and turn them soft in about 2 days. LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteMmm, that sounds delightful! I will have to try that next. :)