Tuesday, April 12, 2011

catching up

I am currently playing catch up. My desk is a disaster zone. Piles of mail, piles of paper from work, piles of receipts I need to enter into the checkbook register (yup, I actually keep track of it), piles of papers I need for various meetings, piles of piles.

This is what happens when I go out of town for a weekend. Tomorrow will be better. Things will get taken care of slowly but surely. I will attack each pile and whittle it down to nothing.

Yes, Atticus did break into my office while we were gone. Luckily I had cleaned off my desk, so there weren't any important papers (like the taxes) for him to eat. He did eat something though... I won't tell you how I know.

On a different note: the house smells delightful! The roast has been in the oven since noon. I can't wait for dinner and I wish I could add a scratch-n-sniff button to my blog. I bet you wish I could too!

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