Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Deck the Halls"

This year we decided to try something a little more simple and subtle when it came to decorating outdoors. This home has not exactly been easy to hang lights and each year it's been more of a half attempt than anything worth ooh-ing and ah-ing over. Last year we tried hanging lights around the porch with small (3') trees in urns on the porch. Nice, but not fantastic. Unfortunately with our beautiful original casement windows we cannot have candles in each window. They would not be centered which is what gives the candle "look" it's glory. "What about spots on wreaths?" Bill asked me last year. Well, it took me a whole year to ponder that idea and we decided to try it. Here is the result. We love it. And we got the lamp post in our yard to work! (It only took four and a half years to realize that the reason we had power going to it but it wasn't turning on was due to "operator error" and that we just needed to pull the chain attached to the light!!) -Bonus: this lamp is attached to the switch inside the house. We do not have to run outside and pull the little chain every time we want to turn the light on or off. Excellent!

We will try to find some bows for the wreaths. For now, we are happy!


  1. Your house is SO GORGEOUS! PS - I am friends with Dave Towne and follow Bill's blog -- I'm not some psycho stalker.

  2. thanks! And I would accept stalkers too... I have even less followers than Bill!
