Thursday, July 21, 2011

a post is worth a thousand words

And so is the title. I've come to realize the importance of my posts' titles. It has to be relevant to the topic, and if I'm being quirky (which most of the time I am) I have to use better "labels" or tags. I've tried going back in my 400+ posts to find certain things I know I've written about. It's not easy. And I haven't found all the ones I've looked for. Some I have. And when I do, I link it for you. Of course I would hope that you would go back through my archives and just do some light reading on your own. But assuming you don't have the time (or for the three of you who have been reading my blog since the beginning), I'm not going to make you do that. Therefore, when it's relevant, I try to do the dirty work for you.

And the searching begins. Blogging every day for a year is a large commitment. Having blogged for four years prior to this complicates things. Did I actually write about chick peas before yesterday? Or did I only think that it would be a good topic to blog about??? I don't know because I can't find any titles or labels that could possibly relate to that topic. One would think "chick peas" would be a good label, or even "hummus". Maybe "friends". Out of those three possibilities "friends" is the only one I've actually used and none of those five posts had to do with the tv series.

Maybe I should go back through and re-read, then re-label all my posts...


I don't think so.

If I mention that again, please call someone. I need help.

In the meantime, I'll try to figure it out and will still link to old posts when necessary. And I'll try to do a better job with my titles... Or I'll continue exactly what I'm doing now, which is naming them so I get it. Which is how I've found most of my references to older posts. Not through the labels, which is what they're there for, but through the titles. Maybe I'll just try to do a better job labeling my posts.

Do you really care?

I didn't think so.

But now I wonder how many words are in this post...

1603 characters according to Word. So a post, in this case, is worth 1,000 +

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