I like t-shirts.
They're comfy.
I'm often drawn (haha) toward the design.
I thought I'd blog about a couple of them because I have stories for many of my t-shirts (but lucky for you, I only have pictures of these).

In case you didn't know, Heather and I have gone to several Needtobreathe concerts together. I finally bought one of their t-shirts. Truthfully, for artistic as they are, I haven't liked many of their t-shirt designs. This one I liked, and bonus! It was cheap because it was the "old" style they were trying to get rid of.

See? You need to know the stories behind some of these shirts. Our dear friend Eddie, aka "Oh my god it's Eddie!" (you can read about that story
here), used to say this all the time. It's completely inappropriate at the right moment and completely hilarious at all the inappropriate moments. For instance, someone asks you if you've seen a specific tv show. You can answer using this phrase.
Okay, maybe you had to be there. Anyway, I "taught" it to the US circle girls in New Jersey. As a going away present (wait, were they trying to tell me something) Shannon made this shirt for me. I don't often wear it out in public because it does cause a stir...

Then there are the Halloween t-shirts. (I just went back to find the post where I originally, er, posted these. It doesn't exist! I can't believe I didn't blog about this costume!!! I am so sorry. It's totally a visual costume. I had pom-poms. The front of the shirts looked like this

can you guess what we were???) Shannon also designed these (I love her graphic design skills, check out her
Then there are the free t-shirts. The t-shirts I almost die trying to get. Because they're free. And because they're launched through the stadium.

We have an annual tradition of going to a Griffins hockey game with Amy and Adam. Two years ago was when I almost died trying to catch the t-shirt. If Bill hadn't grabbed on to me, I would have fallen backwards over the row in front of us (I had turned around to look up to the balcony above us from where they were launching the shirts). I was wearing my ridiculous boots. I can blame it on those and my lack of grace.
Last year I was ready to catch the shirt. I think this time it was shot from the rink. However it was sent through the air, this time I caught it. My free t-shirt. I think Bill's comment was something about it being worth it.
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