Sunday, January 8, 2012

surprising Judy

We surprised Bill's mom today.

We bought our tickets back in October. It's been very difficult to keep this a secret.

Then, last night as we were starting to pack, the dryer died. That will be resolved next week.

We haven't been able to say anything for fear of someone else spilling the beans.

We had a direct flight from Grand Rapids. The flight was 3 1/2 hours. We picked up our rental car and headed toward their house.

Bill called and had both his parents on the phone. We were parked in the driveway, so we got out of the car and rang the bell. Bill was explaining to Judy that we forgot to send them a thank you card for our Christmas present (I didn't forget, I didn't write one on purpose). Then he said something about her birthday and we didn't send a card. That was when Don opened the door for us. Bill kept talking and walked in and Don pointed toward the room where Mom was.

She kept talking while Bill kept walking.

Then he was standing in the door to the home office (where she was). She looked at the phone and she looked at him. Then she got pretty excited.

It was a lot of fun. You'll hear more about our week out here.

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