Saturday, February 26, 2011

so close

Spring. It's so close. Isn't it interesting that February is the shortest month yet it seems to drag out to be the longest?? December and January both have thirty one days. Wouldn't you think February would just fly by? It should. Instead we have gray days that are getting longer, but the gray washes away the sun. More snow, rain sometimes to wash away the snow, which is okay because it's the ugly, dirty snow. No longer the fresh, white, pure, sparkling snow that brings hope of spring. It's now near the end. The end of our patience, the end of the season, the end of the waiting. The calendar tells us it's close to spring, where are the signs? February hides them in her four short weeks. March seems to get further and further away until we throw our hands up and as we go to walk away we realize March 1st is only two days away. Even if March comes in like a lion, the spring equinox is the 20th and soon the crocus will fight their way up through the snow to assure us that spring will not forget us.

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