Thursday, February 10, 2011

I could be famous... or not

Reality tv has changed us. How many of us have watched a show only to think, "I could do that". Or maybe, "I would never do that on tv". Either way between reality tv and blogs we have found our own voice. I am amazed at the number of blogs out there for cooking. You would think that I just found the internet.

A lot of my friends have blogs, or have had travel blogs at one time. I enjoy reading them, and I think Bill's is the best (and immediately following his blog is the Pioneer Woman who I am now addicted to reading). There is a blog for everything. Some blogs have specific audiences or themes. Other blogs (like my own) are completely random, perhaps mundane thoughts about anything and everything.

I saw a blog where the guy took his picture every day for a year. And of course there's the one that inspired the movie "Julie & Julia". Are we all trying to become famous in some small way? Have you ever had that thought, "man, if the right person sees my blog, this could go somewhere...!" I have and I haven't. Really, who wants to write a movie about my blog? I'm not creative enough to blog about a recipe every day. I'm not crafty enough to blog about a craft every day. I don't read enough to give a book review every day (or even once a week, and I'm still deep into H.P. for the umpteenth time). I'm not intelligent enough to give my thoughts on world views and I'm not witty enough to make you laugh every day.

But if you're reading this, you must find me somewhat interesting. And I thank you. I have no reason to continue my year-long blogging other than I made it a personal goal and without you, I might not even be motivated to continue. So whether I make it big time to the big screen or I just remain here in my humble, comfy abode I will keep on keeping on, struggling to find some new topic to write about in the hopes that I don't bore you to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. The Blog II... this time, it's personal, from the makers of Parliamentary Procedure...
