Thursday, February 17, 2011

a full moon

I'm not really superstitious. I have broken a mirror and I didn't have seven years of bad luck. I walk under ladders, and haven't died. I don't have a lucky rabbit's foot or a four-leaf clover (although I used to always look for one when I would be outside playing). I had a slight routine before softball games something about how I put my socks on, I don't really remember. It's okay, because it didn't work. We had to be the worst team in the league. One season we won two games, another season I think we won one.

That being said, I can always tell when it's a full moon. I get more klutzy then normal. Take yesterday; (I know it's not a full moon until tomorrow but it's close enough for me to blame) the cat ate my post-it with my password to accept my paycheck (and it took three people before someone could finally help me), I smashed my thumb into the shelf while trying to put my make-up bag away, I broke a nail, I broke a bobby pin, I tripped going down the stairs, and I'm sure there was more to blame but those are the things I can still remember. A normal day is more along the lines of spilling some water and tripping, but certainly not all of those things. Driving is always more interesting around a full moon too. I don't know what it is about a full moon, but I really think it affects us more than we know/realize.

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