Friday, January 21, 2011


I am not old. Yet I am a fan of post-its. I often forget something unless I've written it on a post-it and stuck it somewhere that I'll see it again. The trouble with this is that Atticus likes to eat paper.

Or I lose them. I don't know how, but I do. Like this morning, I had a post-it with a reminder to email someone about something. I had written it down last night (yes, I keep post-its next to the bed) and put it on my desk this morning. Bill and I took our walk, so I'm back at my desk now working. Suddenly it just dawned on me that note is not where I left it. I checked the floor, my arms, the papers I've shuffled around. Nothing, no note. Where did it go? I even covered it with a book while we were gone so Atticus couldn't eat it. I checked the bottom of the book. No post-it. It's a mystery and it happens a lot. Maybe Atticus did eat it. Or maybe a strong breeze caused it to fly off my desk and land in the trash can (except I checked there too). At least I remembered what I had written down.

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