I taught Juliette a trick back in NJ and I thought she had forgotten. It turns out that she not only remembers it, she demands it.
It all started back in our house on Dewey. The bathroom did not have an exhaust fan, so often we left the door to the bathroom open while we showered. Juliette would wonder in and as soon as we had stepped out of the tub she would hop in and lick the water off the tiles. I decided this was not the most sanitary thing for her to do, so I started turning on the sink faucet and would put her on the edge of the sink and let her drink that water. This quickly became a habit.
Then we moved. Four years had gone by and while she had tried at first to jump up on the sink on her own, she discovered it wasn't the same sink. This sink is wider with more curves. There is less room for her to stand on the edge, so I thought she gave up.

Oh no, she did not. Now it's a new game/habit/trick. She comes upstairs while I'm eating breakfast and sits on the toilet and waits for one of us. If I try to ignore her, like while I'm drying my hair, she sits there and bats at me, often times mewing at me. As if to say, "Mommy, turn on the water please!?". I have no choice but to give in. She is my child of fur. I sigh a big sigh, turn on the water, pick her up and put her on the edge of the sink.

Why, you may ask, do I continue to support this habit? Because most cats, but Siamese cats especially, are prone to kidney failure and like all living things need water. If this means letting her drink out of the sink so she gets enough water, I'll do it.
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