Friday, September 2, 2011

up to our "ears" in corn

I know, clever right? I thought of it while Mom and I were cooking the corn. We bought three baker's dozen ears, saved seven ears to eat and froze the rest.

Twenty-two cups of corn. All scraped off the cob and frozen into creaminess. Yum.

I like corn.

Remember that blog about a deep freezer? Now we really need one. Mom also froze some peaches. And we stocked up on bread for some apparent reason. So the freezer, it is full. Don't worry, we are headed out to buy some ice cream. It's just what we need. It'll go straight into our bellies, no need to bring it home and put it in the freezer (plus it'll be on cones, so that would make it quite challenging to put in the freezer).

At any rate, we are set on corn for the winter. Yum! Corn dip, corn cakes, corn lasagna (it's actually really yummy), corn casserole, just corn, corn chowder... I think those are all my corn recipes. I think... I will try to remember to blog about them when I make them.

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