Wednesday, September 21, 2011

living in a fairy tale

This morning, I took my walk like I normally do on Wednesday mornings. The sun was just starting to peak above the horizon. It was not as chilly as it has been, but I still wore my sweatshirt.

I passed a couple of other runners.

I had a couple of eager dogs come tearing out of their house after me.

As I neared the end of my walk, I passed a mom and two girls on their way to the bus stop. I smiled and said good morning to each of them, and even said, "hi puppy!" to their little dachshund.

I was on the last leg of my walk when I passed by the bus stop. The two girls were there with their mom, and so were several other kids and parents. Before I could even say good morning, the oldest of the two girls said, "It's nice to see you again."

Isn't that sweet?

I wished them all a good morning and a, "Have a good day at school!"

As I continued on, I heard the girl say, "We passed her on our street!"

It was one of the cutest things I've ever heard and one of the best greetings I've ever received. I looked around to see if there were any birds or deer to carry me home, but there weren't.

That's okay, I made it on my own.

The End.

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