Saturday, September 24, 2011

five things that make me laugh

Dubuque, Iowa has to be one of America's best kept secrets. It's a lovely town. It is picturesque, quaint, and friendly. I have been out walking and took some photos. I walked down to St. Luke's United Methodist Church which happens to have been the first church built in Iowa (in 1834). The current building was built in 1896 and has Tiffany windows (according to the brochure; five large and ninety small Tiffany windows were installed by 1897, but two more were added in 1916 and two more by the 1930's).

As I approached the church, there was a group headed inside, so I asked if I could go in and see the windows. One of the women replied that she wasn't sure if anyone was in there. Just then a man walked out (I'm guessing the pastor) and she asked him if I could go in. Of course. He took me in, turned on the lights and then showed me how to turn them back off when I was finished. He got the brochure for me and told me to take my time.

I love the Midwest.

Here at our Central Area Meeting, we had a session today about laughing. Roseann (the Kenosha-Racine V.P.) gave the brief lecture, titled, "She Who Laughs, Lasts". She talked about the healing power of laughter. She told us that we all need to go on a laugh diet. To begin, don't let those people who are negative bring you down with them. Hold up your hand and tell them to stop. You're on a laugh diet and that you want to hear something good going on in their life. Whether they walk away or tell you something good, you'll be better off. Let's try it.

Also, she wants us to keep a laugh journal, or at least keep track of the things that bring us joy. She also gave us a homework assignment. To write down five things that make you laugh. Can you do it?

1. Bill, he makes me laugh and he helps me find the humor in every situation.

2. Hearing my mom and Bill's mom laugh. If he gets them going they're snorting and guffawing like crazy. Er, um. No, I mean they're very lady-like and gentile in their laughing... It doesn't make me laugh at all.

3. Juliette and sometimes Atticus. The way Juliette runs in circles to chase her toy, or the way Atticus chases shadows (often his own) on the wall.

4. Skylar, she's got some good jokes and anytime she laughs it can make me laugh.

5. When I get frustrated with an inanimate object and it's clearly operator error, and I finally figure it out, I try to laugh and if I'm not having an easy time of it, I'll think of what Bill would say. And then I can laugh.

Obviously, my friends can make me laugh. And watching a comedy, either a tv show or a movie can make me laugh. Hearing a joke sometimes can make me laugh, or groan depending on the joke. The youth can make me laugh, and we often laugh together in Quota. Oh yeah, that photo of me from Chandra and Jason's wedding makes me laugh.

Have you laughed today?

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