Monday, February 3, 2014

share the wealth

My mom and I were talking yesterday and she had (we think) a brilliant idea.

Michigan, at least around here, has a lot of snow. So much snow that our city is removing it from parking lots and dumping the snow into unused parking lots (and probably other places). We also have a snow "dragon"(check out the news story here) to help with snow removal. Our streets are narrower. The city has spent it's budget for snow removal.

The good news is that the lake is freezing over so our lake effect snow is diminishing (I swear our weatherman was exclaiming that with glee).

At the other end of the spectrum, our nation's sunny California is in a severe drought. So much that Hoda and Kathy Lee have started drinking less wine to help protect the reserves! I know, shocking.

How can our two states get together to get the snow that we don't want, and don't have room for, out to their state that is in desperate need of the melted stuff? Sure it wouldn't be safe for human consumption, but if it's gray water, wouldn't that at least help their crops?

If someone in California wants to send me the money, I will find a way to ship them snow. We have plenty of it. As in, I could scrape off a two foot layer from our entire yard (why not go all the way down the street) and we would all still have a foot of snow left. Look toward the street where the plow has stuffed our snow, there's a good four feet that we could scrape down.

I took pictures yesterday while Bill was out clearing the snow from the plow. They're still on my camera, and my camera is over there (I'm pointing across the room). I also happen to have a sleeping kitty on my lap. I don't want to disturb her. I'll get the pictures off the camera another time and post them. I don't want you to miss out. Unless you live here, then you understand and don't want anyone else to miss out seeing them.

Oh, so I'm thankful for my mom's great idea. We just need to figure out how to get it to work.

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