Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lady of the flies...

It's going to be a bad year for bugs.

How do I know? 

I just spent the last twenty-eight minutes chasing a dozen flies around the house. It started with one. I caught it, and took it outside. I walked back in to find two more flying around. I left them alone while I washed my hands. Then I discovered a few more. I went downstairs only to find about five or six flying around the side door, on the inside.

I went back upstairs and brought the vacuum downstairs. I then proceeded to chase the flies around the first floor. I sucked up at least six of them.

At one point (had you been a fly on the wall you would have seen me) I jumped up on the couch and I yelled, "It's me verses the flies and I'm gonna win!!!"

There's at least one still flying around, taunting me. 

I haven't broken anything, I'm trying to be very careful, but it's not easy chasing the flies around with the vacuum.

Why the vacuum? Because flies are gross and if you are quick enough to smash them with a fly swatter, which we do not have, their guts go everywhere. When dealing with this many, I decided the vacuum would be the best weapon. 

Go ahead, picture it. It's got to be the funniest thing I've done this year; wielding the vacuum like a sword, swinging it around trying to suck up the flies, then cleaning so the dust kills them inside the bagless vacuum. Leaping from couch to ottoman, running from room to room, getting tangled up in the cord with each quick turn.

I'm amused. And sweaty. Does this count as a workout?

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