Part two is something I mentioned in a a comment on Greg's blog, weight loss is great, it also means a new wardrobe. Most of my clothes are falling off of me. Shirts that used to be tight are now balloons. If I had roller blades, I could catch a breeze and sail away. While it's great news, shorts that I bought last year no longer fit. I'm slowly working on getting rid of clothes and replacing them. The best story was a pair of pants that I bought a long time ago. They fit, but they were pretty tight. Two years ago I rediscovered them in my closet and I wore them. They're perfect for the summer, light-weight and casual. A few weeks ago when we went to head out to Open Houses and the beach, I thought I'd wear those pants again. They would be perfect. I put them on and they pretty much fell down. Okay, I thought, I can just wear a belt. They don't have belt loops. They have now been designated to the donate pile.
This is where I feel like I'm bragging, so maybe I am a little bit. I am proud of what I've done. And yes, when I've been frustrated with small set-backs (stress never helps weight-loss) I have prayed about it. I can't forget to praise and thank God. I didn't do this on my own.
Thanks to all of you who have noticed, encouraged and given me challenges. I would love to go out and change all Americans; we don't have to be overweight. So if you can make one small change, I encourage you to do it. Find someone who's willing to hold you accountable, or who you can talk to (I'm here!), or keep you motivated. Or get a dog and take it for a walk. Find a park to walk in, buy a pedometer (they're cheap! mine was $14.99). Put down the sugar, pop and artificial foods. You don't have to be on The Biggest Loser to be a Biggest Loser.
I'm about to start cheering, so I'll leave you with this: just be ready to buy new clothes. As if you need an excuse...
Editor's note: I just found some pictures from 2001.
This one from
Oh, and how did this get in here? This is from our car ride Friday to my parents... hehe
this is awesome! i did not realize that you had lost weight - since i did not know you before...but congratulations! weight loss is not just about the actual is how you feel...about yourself, about what is around you. i am by no means "fat", but i certainly need to lost a few here and there...and when i do...i just plain feel better. and thank you for posting about sugars and artificial foods. this is the biggest problem for me. not that i eat those a lot, but when i do...i balloon up. watch those sugars people!!!!