Thursday, June 16, 2011

Listen up people!

Have you ever tried talking to someone who just simply doesn't listen to what you're saying? My favorite is when you're telling them something specific and they're agreeing with Mm-hmm's and uh-huh's and what you're telling them is something like; "I have your notebook, when would you like to get it from me?" How does Mm-hmm or uh-huh answer that question? It doesn't.

Or when you're trying to ask a question and they just don't listen; "do you want this over here?", answered with, "the toilet seat is down."


Now, I am going to be very clear; this has nothing to do with Bill. He is an attentive listener (I'm not trying to butter him up or be sarcastic, this is the truth) and I believe when he doesn't understand what I'm asking/telling him, he asks me to repeat it. We've learned this through years of frustration. I guess I should stay more calm when this happens in other areas of my life, but I would really just appreciate it if people listened to me the first time.

Maybe if I just started saying random things back, it would help. Or confuse the situation even more. I don't know. I try very hard to listen and pay attention. This is sort of like driving your car. When did driving your car become a second thought and doing something else became more important? ie putting on makeup, reading (yes, I've seen it), etc.

That's all I have for today. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. I have been advised recently by Patrick that he doesn't really have to listen to me because if it is something that is truly important, I will write it down for him. My response, at a high volume, was "I only have to write things down for you because you don't listen!"
