Saturday, March 10, 2012

Love is...

so many things.

  • Love Wins
  • Love will bring us together
  • Faith, Hope and Love... and the greatest of these is Love

I've always known that God is amazing and He works in wondrous and mysterious ways. Today is no different and as I read through my Bible study I find that it is talking about love. Love was our theme in Philly. When I told Bill he asked, "Are you really surprised by that?" Good point.

There are a couple of quotes that I feel are a good way to sum up our trip (and you thought I had summed it up yesterday):

"The choice set before us is therefore the choice of [growth] or withering." -Robin Mass. Admittedly I have struggled with the verses in John (ch. 15:1-5) about the branches and the vine. But the quote helped me realize where I am in my faith. Through many different experiences, my love has grown. I think that I used to believe that eventually my love would become stale and would stop growing. These verses and this quote taught me that through my faith, I will continue to grow. There is no end to God's love, therefore there is no end to how much I can grow in love.

I will probably still continue to be amazed after each trip, and I think that is the awesomeness of God. It is again summed up by another quote, "Faith expressing itself through love" -Gerrit Scott Dawson. For those of you who have experienced this on a mission trip, for those of you who just returned from Philly, for those of you who are searching for this, I hope and pray that you find it. And once you do, know that it cannot be lost. Because Love is great.

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