Friday, June 8, 2012

day three: Body

Oddly enough, last year's conference themes were a lot more direct.

Now, I love a good theme, so when last year's were so well done, I expected something this year.

You know, more on the theme.

Sadly, I'm disappointed.

But I can't be for long because our sessions have been short, sweet and to the point. We were finished with all business before lunch today, with the exception of the budget. 

There was some legislation to take care of, and nominations to Jurisdictional Conference and for the Nominating Reports, but other than that; fini, finished, the end.

So where was our body? 

It's in the youth. They asked for 30 minutes and reminded us that they are just not the future, they are the present. They are present and voting.

They are correct.

We were reminded that healthy bodies make for healthy churches and our clergy are encouraged to join the wellness forum as well as attend the clergy school (they have a clever campaign for it; it's actually called "Michigan Area School for Pastoral Ministry").

Okay, that's some discussion on healthy bodies... but it just didn't grab me and hold me tight like last year's themes. 

Oh well. We were finished around 3:30p today. I cannot complain. Conference has been a relatively enjoyable experience this year.

I would like to come up with some deep and theological thoughts on who the body is, but alas, I cannot. My brain is still fried from all the work we have done (I did read ALL the reports, talk about information overload) and let us not forget it is Open House season. My brain is also fried from writing very nice things about each of our graduating seniors and wishing them the best. 

I'm not used to this much work in a day.

But I've still taken care of my body. I've walked no less than two miles every day (it's .75 from my car to the arena and another .35 to the dining room) so I have taken care of my body. That's important. I take care of me, so I can help others.

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