Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Cat Scene Investigation

Last night Juliette threw up three times. We just started her on an antibiotic yesterday, so that seems to be causing the puking. It was several hours after she had eaten, so hopefully the medicine just upset her tummy a little (update: she just puked again, but the last time she ate was six hours ago).

The problem with Juliette throwing up in the middle of the night, was trying to find the spots. In the dark. I didn't want to use a flashlight, because it really wasn't going to help that much. I ended up waiting until this morning.

It was like a crime scene.

Only with cat puke.

If I had the little markers that they use on tv, I totally would have marked all the spots and taken photos (I may be on the verge of bored housewife).

I would have marked them so that after I found them, I could have gone downstairs, grabbed the stain remover and some paper towels and found the spots again.

But I don't have the fancy plastic markers, and the puke was sort of obvious enough to find on its own, so it was a modified "cat" scene investigation.

I hope it stops. Poor kitty. We just want her to be better.

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