Wednesday, October 5, 2011

proposal and other written documents

I had a different post planned. A few of you know how that goes. You work on something in your mind and then something completely different happens to you and that's what you end up blogging about.

Don't worry, I'll get to the other post (I still have 56 days to go).

Instead I'm going to gripe about proposals. Not wedding proposals, gosh. That ship sailed a long time ago. And while my impatience didn't allow for a dramatic proposal, the story is still good. That's another post for another day.

No instead I'm talking about business model proposals.

Oh, wait. Am I going to lose you? No, really. This gets interesting.

I'm writing to the few of you who read my blog consistently. Who I know are similar to me and that is you appreciate the English language, and for the most part do okay at speaking and writing it (do NOT critique that sentence).

I had to retype a proposal for Quota. Yeah, you can click on the link and go read it if you want. If you want to pull your hair out.

Bill spends a lot of time writing proposals. I know he takes the time to not only proof-read them, but to make sure they are clear and concise.

Our own Quota club had to rewrite our bylaws and policies and procedures manuals. And while they weren't any more interesting than the proposal from International, at least the woman who wrote them did so in a professional manner.

I should be an editor.

This proposal reads as though someone took notes, typed them up and sent them off. No proofing. Capitalization of a title here, but not there. Complete sentences here, but not there. Repetition galore. Ugh!

I'm already on edge because they showed a terrible Power Point presentation that they expect individual clubs to show to potential members. It was beyond awful. And seeing how they're trying to reach a younger generation, I spoke up.

And I was shut down.

It's a good thing I know people.

Not those people.

People who have held office in Quota. People who felt the same way about the presentation as I did. People who are going to raise Cain. You know, holy heck.

So to have to retype this entire proposal (because apparently we, Quota, are stuck in the 20th century and don't know how to have electronic versions available, oh it will be once all the meetings have been held...) just sort of made it worse. I'm part of an organization where the International office, who is representing all of Quota, can't even type up a decent proposal? A 7th grader could have done a better job. At least it would have been shorter.

I have no where to go with this. No ending. Just a big, long complaint about the apparent lack of proper English/grammar. I just hope no one got paid to write that...


  1. I hear ya girlfriend!! A solicitor sent a request for my boss to review (he is selling insurance). I read it and just could NOT in good conscience forward it to her as written. I wanted to call him and ask him to have someone proof it, but it was not my place. Don't they teach the difference between our and are? They're and there and their...
    OH VEY.

  2. Looks like you are having trouble letting this one go, huh? (LOL!)

  3. well, you read Peggy's well-crafted and ordered bylaws/policies & procedures. It was high quality. Have you read that proposal I typed? Awful. And "these kids and their texting" isn't doing our country any favors. ;)
