Friday, August 3, 2012

Bill's uneventful day...

Today was Bill's carpal tunnel surgery. It was scheduled for 7:30am. We had to be at the hospital at 6:00am.

I woke up at 5am.

The hospital is eight minutes from our house.

Needless to say we were on time.

The surgical check-in was busy, but we moved right through. We were actually taken to a different waiting room, where things were much quieter. The nurse came and took Bill back, where she asked him that awkward question about abuse.

Bill & I have discussed how we joke around, but abuse it not a laughing matter. I'm glad they do this and I hope it saves lives.

The nurse came and got me once she had his leads in and he was ready to go. By this time it was just before 7:00am.

Dr. Ford stopped by; Bill was not his first patient of the morning! Then, a nurse slid open the door and Pastor Tish walked in! We were not expecting that and it was a nice surprise. Bill introduced Tish (who will now be known as "Pasture Tish" because in his sober state, that's what Bill said) to Dr. Ford, and then informed us that Dr. Ford is also a Methodist. Because we were at St. Mary's Hospital, I said, "do they know we're congregating here?" I quickly shouted, "BINGO!" just in case the Catholics overheard us.

They came (it was an entourage) and took Bill away (but not before Tish prayed with us). The nurse who came to get Bill said it would be thirty to forty-five minutes.

Almost exactly thirty minutes later they wheeled him back into the room.

I could hear Bill chatting away as they brought him down the hall.

Dr. Ford said it went really well and it was a nice and clean case.

Bill did really well and we were on our way home by 8:45am.

Thanks to all of you who knew about this and said a prayer. Thanks for all of you who didn't know, but saw it on Facebook, and sent your well wishes. And for all of you who didn't know, now you do!

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