Monday, December 26, 2011

are my eyes open?

People often come back to work from vacation and the first thing they say is, "I need a vacation after my vacation." Which equates to just being tired from all the fun they just had. It makes sense. You go away from home and the fun thing to do is stay up late, sleep in; do all kinds of crazy things you don't do at home. (You must be wondering how exciting we actually are... we did absolutely nothing yesterday, except watch movies and eat, how's that for fun?)

Bill and I enjoy sleeping in on occasion. Whether it's here at home or while we're on vacation. For the most part, we spend vacations (which are few and far between) on our normal schedule. It just makes more sense. Then when we return home, we aren't completely wiped out. It doesn't take us two months to get back into the swing of things.

Our schedule isn't that hectic on a normal day.

It's not difficult to keep it up while on vacation.

I mention all of this, because I had two nights of poor quality sleep (and because it was Christmas morning, when I woke up yesterday at 6:30am -remember we do not have children- I couldn't fall back asleep for my excitement) and then one decent night (last night). But boy, am I tired. My eyes have had a very difficult time staying open for most of the afternoon. I'm not even sure I'm awake as I type this.

I have to try and stay awake so I can make the grocery list after dinner. We'll see if I remember to blog about that tomorrow...

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