Thursday, November 10, 2011

welcome winter

I get it.

It's November (but not officially winter until December 22nd).

It's Michigan.

For all of those who live here and are reading this, I apologize.

It's snowing.

I know. That should not surprise me. But the first snowfall always does.

It's not really sticking and Mother Nature decided now would be a good time to go through her menopausal years. It's been rainy, sleety, hail has fallen and then the snow. With bits of sunshine between all of those. She can't decide what she wants to do out there.

But now it's out of the way. The snowfall we get for the rest of the winter will be more significant and will be less dramatic with each flake.

Except for those of us who love snow.



I will be giddy and more excited with each flake.

And we're not even the first place to get snow this year. Check out our friends in Pennsylvania... they had snow. Serious snow. The irony was that the day it snowed there, it was nice here. That's backwards.

Anyways, welcome winter. Even if you are a bit early.

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