Today it was late. I didn't finish working until 5:30p
A travesty, I know.
So it wouldn't make you very happy to know that I only worked 2 1/2 hours total today.
Jenny and I went shopping and when we got back she headed home. I had work to do and had a phone call from the boss. I returned the call and saw all the work we have to get finished this week. No time to sit around, I jumped into action and worked past five. I finished what I was working on and emailed it to her by 5:30p.
It's very unusual for me.
On the shopping side of the day, we both got a couple Christmas presents out of the way. And Jenny helped me pick out a new outfit that I'll wear to the holiday parties we have this season. I'm excited about the outfit. It's super cute (in my opinion).
Time for dinner, leftovers reign but will not remain.
Isn't it such a good feeling when you clear the leftovers out of the fridge by actually eating them instead of just throwing them away?