Everyone has a story. This is mine. This is my place to share my thoughts, random insights, and photos (if I remember).
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Mmmm, Donuts
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Headless Chicken
This week is very hectic. Meetings, some are the usual, some are not. This Sunday, I leave with the college group from church to go to Chicago for their Spring Break mission trip. We don't know where we'll be volunteering, yet. I'm pretty excited to go! Yes, I'm a "chaperone". We'll return Wednesday, so don't expect any blogs from me at the beginning of next week! Hopefully, I'll have pictures to share when I get back.
If I get a chance before I leave, I will try to post more. But for now, this may be it for an entire week! I just get a little stressed out when I have so much going on. I know if I take a deep breath and relax everything will be just fine. But try telling that to my brain!
"Silence leads to Prayer. Prayer leads to Faith. Faith leads to Love. Love leads to Service. Service leads to Peace. Peace leads to Prayer." -Mother Teresa
[Peace leads to Silence]
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Feel free to laugh out loud
"A cheerful heart is good medicine" (Prov. 17:22)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I had hoped to get over to the Gardens while there was snow on the ground, but I haven't made it over there yet. I cannot wait for the spring time to see all the wildflowers blooming all around the sculptures. These pictures were taken back in November.
I had to lay down, on the ground, under this sculpture to get this shot. But I love it. It is one of my favorite pictures. The brilliant blue sky behind the shiny silver. The sunlight reflecting off, the reflection of the ground and the sky. I cannot explain what draws me to it. It's just a bunch of wires and pipes, criss-crossing. But I love the lines, the angles, and again, the colors and reflections. And how it changes from every angle.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Anyway, thank you to the five people who do visit my site whether it's stalker fashion like Adriane, or daily like Connie and Greg. I invite more of you to blog and post comments. You don't know what you're missing! Or maybe you're just too busy to have time to write...?
Chat with you soon!
Friday, February 16, 2007
It's Friday! I am getting to know my ipod.
I finally decided to put a picture of myself on my blog! This is one of my favorites. My friend Julie and I were at Meijer Gardens, and took silly pictures of each other "holding up" this gigantic arch! So here I am with a pained look on my face, it's heavy!
Not much else is going on in Emoly's space.
Juliette loves cheese. Anytime Bill or I get out a package of cheese, she comes running. She'll beg for it and she loves it. She likes sharp Canadian cheddar the best. She's a weird cat.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Hey, there's no snow falling here! For now :)
How was everyone's V-day? I know Sami and I are sad, we received word that the school (which the after school program was made for) is closing. That's very sad for the students and teachers. How can that happen? A school is closing. Not only is this America but it's the 21st century and we as people haven't figured out how important education is? One of my favorite sayings is, "you learn something new every day." So how can a school close? We can put astronauts in space, but we can't keep a school open. If that trend continues, there won't be many astronauts. It is very sad. Where does education stand?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentine's Day

Today shouldn't be ignored. We should each embrace loving our neighbor and go out of our way today, to show love to someone who might not be loved everyday.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
day 62

In case you were wondering, yes, we're supposed to get more snow today! But not as much as they're going to get to the south of us. It'll come our way.
I am baking sugar cookies today, for the after school program tomorrow. I got a call to make some extras, but I had to say no. Why? Because I don't have enough sugar to make any other kind of cookie. Unless someone has a sugar-less cookie recipe. But if you do, keep it to yourself please! I am not a sugar-less cookie kind of girl! :) Unless it's amazing, in that case, you can send it along.
Of course the cookies I'll be baking today will be cutout in heart shapes! I know, it's sappy. I know I'm not alone in thinking that Valentine's Day has become way too commercialized. Any takers? It is always a struggle to come up with a decent present for Bill. And I know he struggles to find something to give me. This year it will be simple. As it should be every year, for everyone.
Monday, February 12, 2007
One week later...
Going back to being cold: the house is now warmer thanks to a frozen toilet. Yes, the toilet wasn't working because it had frozen pipes. Bill and I spent most of Friday trying to determine which pipe leads to the toilet, and couldn't find it. So we turned the heat up, and put the blow dryer on the pipes, and early Saturday morning, out of the blue, the toilet started filling back up with water! So the house is now warmer and I'm not a frozen popsicle while I work.
It's snowing. Dude, no one prepared me for this much snow. I mean I knew it snowed a lot on this side of the state.... I remember living in Niles and having lots of snow.... but I was also two feet tall, a lot of snow to me was six inches. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have all of this snow. Especially because I don't have to drive in it! It is beautiful. Every day I sit in my office and when I glance out of the window it is like I'm looking or living in a snow globe. And because it keeps snowing, the roads aren't gross. The new snow keeps covering up the ugly slush.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
My Art
My new hobby is taking pictures, now that we have a digital camera again. I have a small collection of photographs that include landscape, sculpture and nature. This one in particular is from Meijer Gardens (as most of them will be). The day that I took this picture was a gorgeous, chilly November day.
Red Team/Team Red
Last night, I was biting into a piece of pizza when the phone rang. Caller id showed me that it wasn't Coldwell Banker (which would have made the fourth solicitation that day). It was Heather O. calling to ask me for a favor. Of course I said yes!
I got to drive the Red Team around G.R. for the FUMC Jr. High Amazing Race. What fun! One of the members got to climb a rock wall. They got to order a yummy cinnamon drink for their driver (me) from a "starry" coffee house. They had to climb an impossible hill covered in snow (with a broken sled), and at the end they had to find three puzzle pieces and truely ended up in a tie, but came in 2nd place (after being last at all the other stops). It was fun!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
the next day
The highlight of my morning so far, has been filling the paper tray. Wow! How exciting. What exciting things have you done today?
Later in the day...
I talked to my friend Julie! She's supposed to be stopping by to check this thing out!? We'll see if she makes it here. She could be a frozen popsicle.
Juliette calmed down and is now napping on my lap. The exciting life of a cat.
Did I mention it's snowing again?
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
every day
Monday, February 5, 2007
Macaroni & Cheese Incident of '06
After the Blizzard
That bush is buried in about two feet of snow.
I like how the snow is draped over the railing on our deck.
Am I the only one who thinks this is adorable? Come on, visitors, you can't tell me this isn't cute? She's sleeping on my lap. Bill took the photo. Her little paws are crossed, she was sound asleep, so I tucked her in. Snug as a bug in a rug.