This is not about men who don't put toilet seat down. This is about the lid and covering the toilet and all that splashes out of it when it's flushed. (by the way, I think I know more men who put the lid down than women)
We have a poorly laid out bathroom. It is cramped and has inadequate storage. As a result our toothbrushes are relegated to the toothbrush holder that sits on a ledge that wraps around two of the walls. Those two walls are adjacent to the toilet.
see photo of shelf
The toilet is below. The shelf sits on top of wainscoting which is probably about five feet tall. So it's not that close to the toilet. However, when you flush a toilet, all those microbes fly out and land all over the bathroom.
The reason I bring this up is because in our other bathroom, a small powder room, we have a mirror hanging on the wall above the toilet (did I mention it's a small powder room?). This morning I noticed splash marks on the mirror. Ew. That means someone forgot to put the toilet lid down when they flushed. This is for the good of everyone that I share this with you. I'm not pointing fingers, I simply ask that you please put the lid down when you flush the toilet.
It wasn't me! I'm trained.