Saturday morning we had tickets for a 10am architectural river cruise. It was another beautiful day and perfect for taking some pictures of the amazing architecture in Chicago. I plan on framing some of them to add to our collection in our living room.
waiting for the tour to start
lots of sunlight pours down over the city, thanks to the setback requirements when skyscrapers first started going up
this is one of the choices for the living room
We saw this sign back at the entrance to Navy Pier. I could not resist taking a photo.
And what are they doing?
We got back to Navy Pier and decided to eat lunch, which was smart because it was already getting crowded. Then we walked to the end of the pier, or as close as we could get because it was all roped off for the Tall Ships. You had to have a ticket to even look at them and they were strategically placed so that you could not even sneak a peak from the restrooms! We decided we have seen enough tall ships and didn't need to purchase tickets, so we would walk back on the inside of the arcade. Did you know the biggest museum/collection of stained glass is housed in Navy Pier? Neither did we, but we do now!
This was in the floor
If you know First UMC Grand Rapids, this will look familiar. We have one of the last Tiffany stained glass windows and it is very similar to this one.
I love the pastoral scenes
We will never forget.
Ah the sea of humanity at the pier that day. I remember it, um, fondly?