I don't recommend it as a diet. However, in the week before a cruise, it does help. I will now look great in all of my clothes. Something I was actually worried about because I felt like I was the size of a hot air balloon (my jeans were way too tight, I measured my waist, it was the same, but I knew something was wrong). Yes. Something was wrong. My entire weeks worth of meals came out of me in a twelve hour period on Saturday. Yuck! So now that I've completely de-toxed my body, I get to go buy a new pair of jeans today. You know something? The B.R.A.T. diet does do wonders for one's weight. I think I'm going to try to eat it for the rest of the week.
I digress, this last weekend was supposed to be very busy. I was supposed to clean all day Saturday, after cooking breakfast for the Jr. Highers. Sunday, the flute choir played in church (I was supposed to be a part of that) and then, immediately after church, I was supposed to go to Grandma's to visit her, Mom and Skylar. Well, obviously I was not involved in any of that.
The Jr. High showed up for breakfast, but the adults cooked it and cleaned up (thank you again!!!). I was, as Heather said, "pretty much ready to blow chunks at any minute." I managed to wait until after they left before that party started. I had to call Mary (head of the flute choir) and explain to her 90 year-old aunt (whose name is also Mary) that I had food poisoning, "what?" "FOOD POISONING!" "You have a new position?" "NO! I HAVE FOOD POISONING!" "Oh, food poisoning, that's terrible dear." yes. tell me about it. Don't worry, Mary called me on Sunday to assure me that they did fine without me. And that there would be no practice since they had played in both services (um, I wasn't going to go even if there was practice). And that the next performance will be Dec. 16th. Sorry, I can't make it!!!
I didn't get to go see Mom, Grandma, or Skylar either. Bummer. I had a whole bunch of stuff to give to Mom. Oh well. I'll see her in December.
Yesterday didn't start out so well (the cheeseburger Sunday night, while it tasted wonderful at the time, wasn't so wonderful the next morning). It wasn't until Heather told me some of the lines from the overnight and I laughed that I finally started feeling better! (well, that and the one piece of toast I ate all morning)
I just thought I'd let you know that we leave in four days. For the Mediterranean. I am finally feeling better. Much better. Very clean on the inside, that's for sure. I'm also hungry...
I finally ate my first "normal" meal on Tuesday night. I feel fine now. It really sucked last weekend, but I'm glad it's all over with. Needless to say I'm being pretty cautious with my diet. Thank goodness for the brat diet. I "heart" my bananas, rice krispies, applesauce and toast. yum!!