I believe the term Bill used was, "NERDS!" Yes. We are. We aren't denying it. Heather and I had a Harry Potter movie marathon. At first we were going to watch all five movies on Saturday. But I thought I was going to have to go pick Bill up from the church (he got back from his work camp trip Saturday night). But the movie times didn't coordinate with picking him up, not without starting our marathon at 6am. And, while we love Harry, we weren't that devoted! So we changed our schedule. We watched 1&2 on Friday night (which are the longest two and we were up until 12:30) and we watched 3&4 on Saturday, hopped in the car and went and watched 5. That was pretty fun!

As you can see, we had a little shrine for Harry.

At the movies, waiting while they cleaned the theater. Okay, so we were the first ones in the theater, we got perfect seats, and the theater wasn't even full!

And these are the leftover tattoos from when book six came out (Bill brought them home). We weren't nerdy enough to put them on our foreheads, just our hands. Mine was gone by Sunday morning.
And now, we wait for Book Seven!
I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!! I read Deathly Hallows in 26 hours. There was about a 10 hour break in there for sleeping, eating, and Ethan time, so in all actuality it took me about 16 hours. And I too had a Harry Potter marathon, however mine spanned over 4 days instead of 2. But I have seen Order of the Phoenix and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go see it again.