This was my weekend to relax. So on Saturday; I weeded along the side of our house, I sanded the butcher block, then I oiled the top and put a coat of polyurethane on the rest of it, I cleaned the house and did a load of laundry or two. Whew! I was pretty tired by days end. Bill and I enjoyed a lovely dinner. He grilled pork, potatoes and a Vidalia Onion. It was scrumptious. Sunday, I lightly sanded the butcher block and got the second coat of oil on it. Then I had just started the second coat of polyurethane when I heard something. Was that thunder? Hm, we only had a 30% chance of scattered storms. Well, there it was again. Then I felt a drop. I took the butcher block into the kitchen. Then it rained. Not too hard, and barely enough to wet the deck. So I finished the butcher block in the kitchen. It looks great!

Currently it is drying in the dining room. I had it back in the kitchen, but we have to let it dry before we can put anything on it. I don't want to ruin it, and Bill kept forgetting and was setting things down on it. So I just moved it out of the kitchen. It will be dry enough to use tomorrow. I know, you can't even notice anything about it. Trust me, it's gorgeous up close. It's silky smooth and the finishes really POP!
On Friday, the Jr. High Youth Group leaves for the U.P. We're all pretty excited for that trip. There are eleven kids and five adults going.
I did receive a 1/2 birthday card!!! Thanks Cathy.
That's all for today.
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