It is not small!
Here I am, next to the ginormous column.
We just ran in quick to see the interior. It was beautiful!
Next we went over to the State Capitol building. This was a bit different then in Austin. There was a security guard and a metal detector. We had to check in, and he checked our purses! yikes! There was an info desk, and the nice gentleman there gave us a guide book. We didn't have too long, because we'd found a meter, but only had about a half hour's worth of change!
Here's the interior.
Where there was this giant stone earth, spinning in water. If you were strong enough, you could turn it. I did manage to get Michigan in this photo!
Our next stop was Opryland. We spend three hours walking through the Conservatories, admiring their Christmas decorations. Who puts all of these up? And when do they do it? It was amazing!
This backdrop reminds me of White Christmas.
This is the Cascade room. I'm actually standing to the side of the waterfall.
Then, at night, outside, they have all of these lights!
The Nativity, all in white
Mary and Joseph
The giant tree of lights, and all the lights on the trees.
We found a Krystal! I was so happy. I introduced Heather to the Krystal chik. I was happy, because it's not a lot of food, for not a lot of money, and we weren't too hungry!
And yes, you see me in my coat because it was cold there. The next night it got down to 19 degrees! Brr.
Then we took the rental car back to the airport and as we went over to the taxi stand, I spotted these cute mosaic sculptures.
This was probably our front row experience for Jars of Clay! Yes, it's true, we waited for an hour and a half to get these seats. In the ladies room. We were going to wait outside, but one of the doors wasn't closed all the way (we couldn't cut through the tunnel like we had been doing all week, because all of the vendors were packing up, so the tunnel was closed off). So we got into the vestibule area. Then there was a woman walking around inside and she let us in. We heard their sound check! We were hanging out in a hallway, but we didn't want to get kicked out, so we eventually went and hid in the ladies room. We did a few Mad Libs, ate our dinner.... chatted. And eventually walked into the arena like we belonged there.
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