This is NEEDTOBREATHE. Heather O. and I saw them last night. I would say "in concert" but it was more like in our living rooms. I have to tell the whole story...
We went to the Intersection where they were playing. Of course there was a line so we were standing there for about ten minutes and Heather said, "dude, I don't think this is the right line". Just then I heard a woman calling a very young girl saying, "this is the line for [mumble, mumble]." I looked at Heather, "did you hear that?" She did not, I repeated what I just heard the woman saying. We decided one of us should go to the door and ask, so I ended up going. Sure enough, that line was for sum 41... So we left the line and went right on in.
I got carded, the security guy was shocked when he saw my birthdate. He looked up at me and said, "I really thought you were under age. No, that's a compliment, isn't it?" I had to laugh. Heather left her i.d. in the car, so he asked if she would be drinking (of course not) and he marked her with the "M"'s. She was a minor for the night! We bought our tickets (they were $10, this has been the year of $10 concerts. I will be sad when I have to pay real money to see all these guys) and walked through the door where NEEDTOBREATHE was going to play. Seriously, think Central Perk from Friends. The stage was bigger then what Phoebe played on, but the room wasn't that big. So we went and sat in two big, comfy chairs right next to all the equipment cases, just left of the stage, not more then five feet away... The first band was a local band from Grandville. They were... local. The one guitar player reminded me of Paul from the Wonder Years (before he turned into Marilyn Manson -j/k) and the bass player reminded me of Jared Leto from My So Called Life. No matter what "Paul" did, he looked like a nerd. No matter what "Jared" did, he looked cool. I digress. They only played for about a half hour. Then came NEEDTOBREATHE. Heather took a picture of their set list. But they mostly played songs off their new album. Bear (they're from South Carolina...) explained that when they showed up at 3:30pm they realized there weren't enough channels, they decided to go acoustic.

Pictures from March (above) Pictures from last night (below)