Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A little less wordy

Ooh, yesterday I was wordy. I guess I had a lot to say about soup. Who knew?

Don't worry because today, I got nuttin'.

I was just doing dishes and thought of a couple of things. One was for a devotion and one was for the blog. I forgot the one for the blog.

I was thinking of what grosses me out. Not a lot when you're talking about it. But show me gushing blood, a crusty scab, a slimy snake and I shudder.

See? Typing that nothing. Which is why I decided against blogging about it. Pretty boring huh?

I thought of gross things because I cleaned out the silverware tray... How does the inside of a drawer get that dirty? Well, I can tell you how in our house, because like everything the kitchen cabinets and drawers are old. It's wood on wood. Down in the cupboards under the drawers is a constant layer of sawdust. I finally waxed the drawer "slides" (if you can really call them that), which helped minimize the sawdust. So in the drawers themselves, I guess dirt just falls into them. They don't get closed all the way and the counter gets wiped off, dirt in the drawer. The top rubs against the top and dirt falls in the drawer.

Hopefully this doesn't gross you out. As I mentioned, I washed the silverware holder and the silverware is clean.

If you come to visit you can play the "Old House; Where Isn't The Dirt" game.

Please don't look at the windows...

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